There are times in life when it’s incredibly tempting to check up on someone else. To learn their secrets. To uncover what’s true and what’s a big bag of crazy lies. On soap operas, the truth always comes out and nobody has to do anything to help it along. But in real life, things aren’t that easy. And you have to undertake your own investigation.

On Tuesday, June 7th, A Guide To Visitors presents DETECTIVE STORIES. A hand-picked collection of stories about investigating and being investigated. This show, ladies and gentlemen, is not to be missed.

You can buy tickets in advance for 8 bucks, or pay at the door the night of the show for 10 bucks. Doors open at 7 pm for an 8 pm show. We’re Upstairs at Theatre Off Jackson, which is a 21+ space.

And, of course, if you have a story you’d like to pitch, drop us a line at